How to Remove Products from My Catalog

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Learn how to curate your assortment by removing items from appearing in your product catalog and kiosk. If you would prefer to permanently delete products from your account, visit this article.

Requirements/Tools Needed:

Getting Started

1. If there are items that should be removed from the kiosk, choose Content from the navigation menu, then select Catalogs.


2. To remove a few specific items from the kiosk, click Default Catalog.


3. From the catalog management screen, click Product Selection.


4. From the product selection screen, check the box next to Exclude Products.


5. You can exclude products by either Import or Manual Selection.

  • To import a list of SKUs click the Import CSV of Products to Select button.


  • To manually select products click Choose Products.


6. You can search by Feed Provider, Manufacturer, Consumer Brand, SKU, Category, or Product name.


Select the desired search parameter, then enter the search criteria and click Display Products.


7. Once the desired item(s) have been located, either click Select All to choose all items, or select individual items you want to remove. Once the desired collection of items has been selected, click Add Selected Products.



8. Once the desired items have been selected, click Save Changes. The selected products are now excluded from the catalog.


9. Sync your device to view changes.

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