Pictures Do Not Appear on the Kiosk

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Missing pictures are a sign of download and/or connectivity issues. Below is how a kiosk experiencing this issue will appear. Manually updating the kiosk will typically resolve this issue. 


Getting Started

1. To ensure kiosk is online, tap and hold on the store's logo, which is located on the top left corner of the kiosk screen, for 10+ seconds.

Please Note: Do not move your finger or touch any other part of the screen while holding on the store's logo.


2. When the logo menu appears, determine the status of your internet connection.

If the kiosk is online, proceed to step 3.

If the kiosk is offline, ensure WiFi signal in store is working, or if using a wired connection, ensure the cable is plugged in. If a WiFi signal needs to be configured, visit: I Changed ISP's or Updated the WiFi Password, and Now the Kiosk Can't Connect to the Internet.


3. If online, tap on the orange Start Update button to restart the kiosk application and update the content.


4. Once the update is complete click on the X icon to close out the logo menu. 

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