How to Receive Notifications/Alerts for Connectors

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Enter email addresses to receive alerts/notifications when your Connector encounters an issue.


Requirements/Tools Needed:

Getting Started

1. From the Dashboard, click your email address in the top right corner.



2. Select Connectors from the drop-down menu.



3. Select the eCommerce platform to which you're connected.



4. In the Settings tab, add the email address(es) that should receive notifications in the text box next to Status Alerts.



Please Note: Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.


4. Click Save Changes. 


For troubleshooting purposes, here is a list of supported error codes and meanings: 

  • 401Unauthenticated / Unauthorized  Usually means credentials are not valid
  • 402 Payment Required Shopify specific; payment required to re-activate web store
  • 403 Forbidden Your account does not have access; most likely a credentials problem
  • 404 Not Found The requested resource could not be found; web store is down or gone




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