How to Update Real-Time Inventory Credentials for Ashley Furniture Catalog

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Please Note: This article is for accounts with the Ashley Furniture data source and with the real-time inventory enabled.

When the app is unable to display inventory for your Ashley Furniture items, it is most frequently due to invalid AshleyDirect credentials for your account. When you update your Username and Password for AshleyDirect, it also needs to be updated in your Commerce Automation Manager (CAM) account. This allows the real-time inventory feature to continue working as expected.

When your credentials fail, the Wondersign platform sends an automated email to the account owner's email address, requesting to update your information.

Follow the instructions below to learn how to update your credentials.


Requirements/ Tools Needed:

Getting Started

1. Select Settings from the Account menu drop-down in the top right hand corner.

2. Select the Inventory Credentials tab on the left side menu.
ATP #1:2.png

If your status is Inactive, follow steps 3-5.

If you do not have an inventory status, it means you are not yet set up with Real-Time Inventory for your Ashley Furniture catalog. Please complete this secure form to sign up for the feature.

Please Note: the Inventory Credentials tab and settings are only for the Ashley Furniture catalog.

3. Check that your AshleyDirect Username is correct.

4. Use the text box to enter your most up-to-date AshleyDirect Password.

5. Click Test Credentials.

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6. Once your credentials have been tested successfully, you'll receive an confirmation message on your screen, then you can click Save Changes in the top right corner.

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7. After your changes have been saved, go to the Devices tab.

8. Click Sync all devices.

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