Recovery Process & Enterprise Enrollment (Chromebox 4 & Chromebox 5)

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In some instances a Chromebox requires to be wiped (powerwash) in order to re-enroll the device. This can happen if (not limited to):

  • A user attempted to log in or has logged in with personal credentials
  • A user has entered Guest Mode and used the device in Guest Mode.
  • The Chromebox has lost enterprise enrollment due to sudden power loss (lightning storm, surge, or breaker flipped)
  • The Chromebox was offline for an extended period of time
  • The Chromebox is malfunctioning

Requirements/Tools Needed:

  • USB Keyboard
  • Paperclip

Getting Started

1. Attach a USB Keyboard to one of the USB ports on the Chromebox.

Chromebox 4 (2) (1).png


2. Turn off the Chromebox by holding the power button for a few seconds (screen will go from white to dark). Once the power indicator light on the power button is off, the Chromebox was successfully powered down.


3. Now put a paperclip (or pushpin) into the recovery button hole. Depending on your model, the location of the recovery button hole on the Chromebox might differ.

Chromebox 4 (3) (1).png

4. While you are holding the recovery button pressed (using the paperclip), turn on the Chromebox by pushing the power button. As soon as you see the following screen, release the paperclip.


You will now see a screen with a blue exclamation point and the title: Reset this Chromebox. Hit Restart to begin the process.



5. Press the down arrow key and select Advanced Options.



6. Select Enable developer mode.



7. When the below screen ("You are attempting to enable developer mode") appears, press the recovery button (red circle below) by gently pushing a paperclip into the recovery button hole on the Chromebox.


Chromebox 4 (3) (1).png

8. When the below screen ("You are in developer mode") appears, press the down arrow key on the USB keyboard and select "Boot from internal disk".



9. Using the keyboard select Powerwash to reset your Chromebox.

powerwash chromebox.png


10. A popup to "Confirm Powerwash" will appear. Click Continue to confirm.

confirm powerwash.png


11. The Chromebox will start the wiping process and might reboot a few times. Once powered back on, the Chromebox will display the first setup screen, "Welcome to your Chromebox". Select Get Started.

get started.png


12. To connect to your network, select your Wifi network name from the list. Enter the Wifi password at the prompt. After configuring your WiFi connection, select Next.


Please Note: If you are using a wired LAN/Ethernet connection, there is no need to choose a WIFi network; the Chromebox will connect automatically. 


13. Please read the Google terms of service carefully, and then select Accept and Continue.



14. Select You on the "Who's using the Chromebox?" screen.

who's using the chromebox.png


15. Once on the Login screen, select "More Options" and choose Enterprise Enrollment. You will now see a screen titled "Enterprise Enrollment", enter the following credentials for the Wondersign Catalog Kiosk application.

Enterprise Enrollment Images - Google Drive 2022-11-30 12-33-14.png

Enterprise Enrollment Credentials

User Name:

 Password: wondersign

(Please note: The password is case-sensitive)


16. In some instances the Chromebox might require an additional verification step or might display a warning message "Too many failed attempts" (see further below). If that's the case, verify with the text message method to the number displayed. The number belongs to Wondersign and allows the Wondersign support team to receive text message activation codes.



To obtain the code, or if you have trouble signing in, please call 855-408-9966 (2 for support) or email and request the code to proceed.


Once you have the code, click "Enroll Enterprise Device" in the bottom right-hand corner.



This screen will appear during enrollment.



17. After successful enrollment, the below screen will appear. Press Done to proceed.



18. The Chromebox will now automatically install and launch the Wondersign application. You can unplug the USB keyboard from the Chromebox.



19. Once the application is launched, the device will download any pending updates, and resume normal operation. If a 6-digit pairing code appears, go to How to Activate & Manage Devices for information. on how to pair it to your account. 

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