How to Verify the Online Status of a Device

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Requirements/Tools Needed:

  • Wondersign Catalog Kiosk app


Getting Started

1. On the Home Screen of the Catalog Kiosk app, press and hold down your store logo (or Home icon) in the top left corner for 10-15 seconds. 

How to Configue Wifi 1.png


2. This pulls up the secret menu on the right side of the screen. Check the online status to verify the device is successfully connected to Wi-Fi.

  • If the device is ONLINE, the Wi-Fi symbol will be green
    • You can disregard the steps below as your device is online
  • If the device is OFFLINE, the Wi-Fi symbol will be gray
    • Please proceed to Step 3 to connect the device to the network

How to Configue Wifi 2.png

3. If the device is offline, it must come back online in order to receive regular updates. The articles and information below will guide you through the process. 

Please Note: For additional assistance, please contact our Support Team at (855) 408-9966 ext. 2 or


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