How to Upload a Category Image

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Learn how to upload a category image to customize the image that displays in the category tiles of the Wondersign Catalog Kiosk app. Use the Catalog App Manager (CAM) to select a category and upload the desired image as the default setting on your devices. Once a category image is added and saved, it overwrites any pre-set brand image assignments and remains the default until removed or replaced.

Requirements/Tools Needed:

Getting Started

1. Click Content from the top navigation.

2. Select Categories from the Content drop-down menu.


3. Click the arrow to the left of the category you wish to expand from the Categories side panel.


The category tree expands to show the subcategories for the category.

4. Click the Select radio button for the category you wish to modify.


The name, parent category, and image configuration settings display on the right side of the screen for the selected category.


5. Verify SHOW is selected for the VISIBLE ON DEVICES setting.

Please Note: The default setting is SHOW to ensure each category that contains items in your catalog will display in the category tree search options of the Catalog Kiosk app if it contains one or more items in your catalog. If you choose to HIDE the category, it will no longer display in the Catalog Kiosk app regardless of if your catalog included one or more items within that category.

6. Click Choose an image to upload an image for the selected category.


7. Click Choose a local file to select an image or drag and drop from your desktop.



8. Click the image file from your local desktop and then click Open.


9. Use the Preview window to verify the image is appropriate.

10. Click Add to upload the image.


11. The Categories page updates to display the image. Click Save Changes to save the category image as the default.

Please Note: The uploaded image populates for all language tabs in that category and will display regardless of language selected to view the Catalog Kiosk app. Click Remove to delete and/or replace the uploaded image.


12. Click Devices in the top navigation menu.


13. Click Sync all devices to update your devices with the new category image.


The devices update to display the new category image in any category tiles configured to display in the Catalog Kiosk app.

For example, the category tile images may display within the Attractor Screen as shown below. Refer to the Customizing the Appearance of the Catalog Kiosk App article to learn more about configuring the categories on your Attractor Screen.


A category tile may also display on the Browse all categories/Choose a category Screen as shown below.


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