Learn how to edit and make changes to the information on the Products page and how to configure the way products are being displayed to your shoppers on connected websites and in-store devices.
Example 1: Catalog Kiosk App Product Page (for kiosks and tablets)

Example 2: Website Product Page (Data API/Direct Sync for your Website)

Requirements/Tools Needed:
- Sign in to my.catalogkiosk.com using the Google Chrome web browser
Getting Started
1. Click Content in the top navigation and select Products from the drop-down menu.

2. The Products page displays a list of every product available within your Catalog App. From this screen, you can search for products by SKU, Name, Category, Brand, or Price.
Click the desired item to access its product detail page.

3. The Product Detail page offers you the ability to override many of the product specifications that display on the Catalog App.
- By default, Details are selected in the left navigation menu.
- Any detail on this screen with an Override toggle is editable. Simply toggle on Override to change a product detail. Product details available to override include:
- Change the name of the image that appears in the Catalog App. This also affects how the product appears in searches. To make products SEO-friendlier, when using Data API or an e-commerce Direct Sync, make your changes here.

Components Included
- Components included is not an editable section of the product details page, instead, it allows you to view the components of a kit or bundles item. Each component includes the quantity in the kit, the SKU, product name, and a link to that individual component’s product details page.

- Categories
- Change the categories under which this product appears.

- You can add as many categories as you like. For example an accent chair can be in "Living Room" and "Bedroom" and also under "Accents". To remove an assigned category, click the black x associated with that category designation.

- Description
- Edit the description of the product. For some basic formatting, highlight a section of text and click the B button to make your copy bold, or the I button to italicize.

- Color
- Edit the color of the product.
Exercise caution when changing the color and material of a product.
Removing these listings will prevent this product from appearing when
customers use filter options to narrow down search results.
- Material
- Edit the name of the materials included in the product.
- Style
- Edit the designated style of the product.
- Size
- Edit the designated size of the product.
- Depth
- Enter a number into this field. In the Catalog App, depth is displayed in either metric or imperial units depending on the localization settings in your account.
- Length
- Enter a number into this field. In the Catalog App, the length is displayed in either metric or imperial units depending on the localization settings in your account.
- Height
- Enter a number into this field. In the Catalog App, height is displayed in either metric or imperial units depending on the localization settings in your account.
- Weight
- Enter a number into this field. In the Catalog App, weight is displayed in either metric or imperial units depending on the localization settings in your account.

- Main Image
- To update or replace a product's main image, upload it here. Click the red x in the top right corner of the existing image.

- Click Choose an Image to select a new main image for this product.

- The image set here will display as the main product image in the Catalog App.

- Additional Images
- To include additional images for a product, upload them here. Click the file link to add new images or remove one or more images.

- To remove ALL images, click the Remove button.

- To remove a single image, hover over the image and click the gray x in the top right corner.

- Click Choose an Image to select a new main image for this product.

The images set here display as the additional product images in the Catalog App.

- Import Custom SKUs and Product Names
- Instead of manually editing single products, you can bulk-edit product names (titles) and also use custom SKUs to prevent cross-shopping. Please visit this article for a more in-depth walkthrough: How to Import Products