Search for products using the Browse by Category and Filter Options features in the Wondersign Catalog Kiosk app. These features will help you and your guests quickly locate items and collections by browsing for an item using a selected category and its subcategories. Use filters to narrow your search results further based on the selected criteria such as price, color, delivery type, and materials and compare items side-by-side.
Getting Started
Browse By Category
1. Tap a category tile or the Browse all categories tile on the Attractor Screen to navigate to the desired category or view all available categories.

2. Tap a category tile from the Choose a category page to refine your search by the selected category.

3. The Category screen displays products related to the category. Use the side panel on the left to narrow the search results by category and filter or view the search results on the right using the tabs.
All of the subcategories will be listed. If the subcategories expand beyond the screen then you can use your finger to slide the slider down to view the entire list.
Please Note: Refer to the How to Display and Sort Search Results by Collections, Items, and What's New.

4. Tap a subcategory from the category tree to update the search results with items for the selected subcategory.

Filter Options
Depending on the selected category, the Filter Options in the side panel on the left will vary. Once selected, the filter automatically applies to narrow the search results displayed on the right.
Please Note: If only one option is available the applicable filter will not be shown. For example, if only one brand is available the brand filter will not be displayed.
1. Tap the plus (+) to the left of the filter option you wish to expand in the side panel on the left.

2. Tap a filter criteria to narrow the search results. For example, tap Blue in Color.
3. Continue applying filters to further refine the search results.
Please Note: If the filters result in 0 products then the filters will still be displayed so you can make changes to the filters instead of starting over.
4. Tap an item tile in the search results on the right to display the item of interest.

5. Tap Back to return to the search results that include any applied filter options.
6. Tap the X to the right of the selected option to delete the filter and broaden the search results again.
7. Tap the X Clear All Filters at the top of the side panel to clear the applied filters.
Please Note: The browse by category selections will not be cleared with the filters.
8. Tap the Back link to exit the selected category.
9. Continue browsing by category, applying filters, or tap the Back link to return to the Attractor Screen.