You will learn how to use the Discover More and More Options features to view the related collections and series with the item. When browsing for products, if your guests finds a product they like, use the Discover More feature to quickly navigate to scene collections and series with the item of interest. Use the scene collections of items to add one item, all products, all furniture, and all accessories to the shopping cart. Your guests can also navigate to More Options to easily review other ideas of scene collections that may be of interest.
Getting Started
1. Tap a category tile on the Attractor Screen to navigate to the desired product.

2. Tap a subcategory on the side panel on the left to narrow the search results.

3. Tap an item tile to view the product in more detail.

4. Use the Product page to view the item title, description, specs, and pricing.
5. Tap the Add to Cart button to add the item to your cart.
Please Note: The Cart icon in the top right side of the header bar updates to show the added item.

6. Tap the Discover More button on the side panel on the right to view more collections and series with the selected item.
Please Note: If a product is not featured in additional scenes and series, the Discover more button will not displays on the right.

7. The Discover More page displays two tabs if there are the selected item is in collections and series. The default tab is Collections with this item. If no scene collections feature the item, then only the More items in this series tab displays. Browse the scene collections with the item on the Collections with this item tab.

8. Tap the More items in this series tab to view more items in the series.

9. Tap the collection tile or item tile from one of the Discover More tabs. In this example, a collection is tapped from the Collections with this item tab.
10. The Collections page displays designer-recommended products in a scene collection with hotspots that allow you to explore accessories, furniture, and products.
- Tap the features on the side panel on the right to add products and furniture.
- Tap the hotspots on each item to view the product details and the shopping cart icon to add an individual item to your cart.

- Tap the More Options button in the bottom left corner of the Collections page to view other scene collection with items that may be of interest.

- Tap a collection tile in the More Options page to explore additional scene collections or the X to exit the window.